Episode 22: The Brothers Crane
We couldn't leave you hanging, so we googled the definition of massacre for you. You're welcome.
“mas·sa·cre - ˈmasəkər
an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people).”
You can go visit the bar from Cheers! Go here to find the locations (there are 2) in Boston! And while you're in Massachusetts, check out the Freedom Trail.
Eddie has an 'autobiography'! Please hold while I feverishly order this on Amazon.
Want some fun facts about the show? Check out this article for tidbits like: THE FIRST CUT OF THE PILOT WAS SIX MINUTES TOO LONG.
We finally know what the heck 'tossed salads and scrambled eggs' is about. Thank goodness!
Frasier's apartment would cost $3.5 million in 2018. (WHAT?!) Read more about that valuation here.